Case Study: NCQ Solutions

Implemented services:
Marketing Hub Marketing Hub
Service Hub Service Hub
Sales Hub Sales Hub
Integration Accompaniment Integration Accompaniment

NCQ Solutions: innovation and technology for smart commerce

With more than 19 years of experience, NCQ Solutions is dedicated to providing its clients with world-class technology for intelligent commerce. Throughout its trajectory, it has worked with more than 1,000 clients distributed in the seven provinces of Costa Rica, guaranteeing a professional, close and high level of service.

NCQ Solutions' system makes it easy for companies to comply with their electronic tax obligations, offering complete solutions that include invoicing, accounting and payroll management. The company has a team of expert and passionate collaborators, and its offices are located in the northern part of Costa Rica.

NCQ Solutions is committed to providing innovative solutions that drive the success of its customers, helping them grow and adapt to the demands of the modern marketplace.

  • Industria
  • Tamaño de la empresa
    Company size
    100 employees
  • Ubicacion
    Costa Rica

Challenges faced by NCQ Solutions

Reto: Lack of professionalization and structure in the commercial department

Lack of professionalization and structure in the commercial department

NCQ faces the challenge of a sales team that lacks a well-defined and standardized sales process. This lack of structure can lead to inconsistent results, preventing sales opportunities from being maximized and slowing the company's growth.

Reto: Difficulty in defining and meeting clear and attainable sales goals

Difficulty in defining and meeting clear and attainable sales goals

The company encounters the barrier of not having well-established sales targets or sales objectives that are not effectively measurable. This creates uncertainty in the team and hinders strategic planning, directly affecting its ability to achieve sustainable results over time.

Reto: Lack of a clear strategy for growth and attraction of potential customers

Lack of a clear strategy for growth and attraction of potential customers

NCQ may be experiencing difficulties in identifying the best growth opportunities and attracting new customers efficiently.

How Dinterweb addressed NCQ's challenges

Dinterweb implemented the inbound methodology after thoroughly understanding NCQ's business model, ensuring that this solution was adequate to drive its growth.

QUPOS' digital presence was improved through SEO strategies, including the creation of "topic cluster" type content and the use of keywords related to the software's offerings, improving its positioning in search engines and generating quality traffic.

Conversion paths were created, highlighting the main contact landing page.

Dinterweb worked on aligning the marketing and sales teams, creating synergy between the two to qualify leads more efficiently and improve closing processes.

The implementation of chatbots on the website and Facebook allowed us to reduce the time spent on telephone inquiries, freeing up the sales team.

To free up the support team's time and better serve potential customers, a help center was created to allow users to resolve basic questions on their own.

Specific campaigns focused on new regulations were launched, such as the electronic invoicing update (CAByS) from the Ministry of Finance, which resulted in the second most relevant conversion mechanism for QUPOS during the campaign.

In order to solve each of the needs presented by NCQ at the time of selling QUPOS, we carried out the above actions.

Results obtained after Dinterweb's support

  • Improved organic traffic

QUPOS achieved a 795 % increase in monthly organic search visits to its website.


  • Increased productivity of the sales team

The implementation of a help desk and chatbots meant that fewer employees were able to serve more customers. Previously, answering a call meant giving 100% of their time to that specific query. With chatbots, on the other hand, they can handle several conversations simultaneously.

In addition to time optimization, QUPOS was able to realize considerable cost savings in terms of telephone bill.

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