Group 37434
Services implemented:
Marketing Hub
Sales Hub
Service Hub
Acompañamiento de integración

Hiraoka is a leading company in the home appliance and technology market in Peru. With more than 60 years of experience, Hiraoka has earned nationwide recognition for its commitment to product quality, excellent customer service and warranty.

Size of the company
500 employees

Hiraoka is a prominent store that offers an extensive range of products to meet various technological and home needs. Its catalog covers computers, cell phones, items for gamers, televisions, appliances and much more. Additionally, Hiraoka distinguishes itself by offering high-quality products from well-known brands and providing excellent customer service. With several branches and a strong market presence, it is a reliable choice for those looking for the latest innovations in technology and home goods.









Hiraoka is also distinguished by its transparency, offering clear personal data protection policies and preventive biosafety measures, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Learn more about Hiraoka here

Challenges faced by Hiraoka

Hiraoka, one of the main chains of home appliances and technology stores in Peru, faced the challenge of not having a clear and unified vision of its sales made both in its physical stores and in its ecommerce platform. This lack of knowledge made it difficult to make strategic decisions and implement effective marketing actions.


Lack of centralization of information

The lack of centralization made it difficult to have a complete view of operations and took more time to coordinate sales, marketing and customer service efforts.


Lack of tracking of pending purchases

Hiraoka did not have an effective system to resume pending customer purchases. This resulted in potential lost sales and a less seamless customer experience.


Lack of personalized communication

Communication with customers was less personalized and efficient. Hiraoka was facing difficulties segmenting its database and sending messages targeted to each customer's specific needs.


How Dinterweb helped Hiraoka overcome its challenges

Integration of information channels

Dinterweb connected all of Hiraoka's information channels, including e-commerce, physical stores, social media marketing, customer service, chat and a native WhatsApp integration. This integration allowed Hiraoka to centralize all of its information in one place, improving coordination and efficiency in its operations. With all data centralized, Hiraoka can have a complete and consistent view of its sales and marketing efforts, facilitating strategic decision making.


Migration between CRMs

Data migration between different CRM systems was facilitated. This process overcame the complexity of unifying marketing, sales and customer service data, allowing all relevant information to be accessible on a single platform.


Team training

The Dinterweb team provided training to the different Hiraoka teams in the use of marketing, sales and customer service tools. This training included the proper way on how to use advanced CRM functionalities to improve efficiency and effectiveness in their roles. With well-trained teams, Hiraoka was able to maximize the use of their new CRM system, ensuring that all areas of the company were aligned and working with best practices.

WhatsApp Integration

Dinterweb implemented native WhatsApp integration into Hiraoka's CRM system. This integration significantly improved communication with customers by enabling Hiraoka to quickly respond to inquiries, send notifications and provide support efficiently.


Key Results of Hiraoka's HubSpot Implementation

Sales Visibility

Thanks to the implementation of HubSpot, Hiraoka now has accurate knowledge of how many sales have been made in both its physical stores and e-commerce. This level of visibility allows the company to better analyze its performance, identify trends and make informed decisions to optimize its sales strategies.


Abandoned cart tracking

Hiraoka has implemented follow-up emails for abandoned carts and failed purchases. This has allowed it to reengage potential customers who abandoned their carts, increasing the likelihood of completing those sales and improving conversion rates.


Targeted segmentation

With HubSpot, Hiraoka has created more specific segmentation lists, categorized by purchase amount and by store. This segmentation allows Hiraoka to target its marketing campaigns more effectively, personalizing offers and messages for different customer groups.


Personalized landing pages

Personalized product and offer landing pages were developed, improving customer acquisition. These targeted pages allow Hiraoka to highlight promotions and products in a more attractive way, increasing interest and conversion of visitors into customers.

Open communication channels

The implementation of chatbots has opened up new channels of communication with customers, facilitating interaction and immediate support. This enhances the customer experience and enables Hiraoka to address inquiries and resolve issues efficiently.

Access to information

ERP information to which they did not previously have access was integrated, unifying all data in a single system. This unification allows for better information management, ensuring that all teams have access to data for their operations.

Detailed reports

Detailed reports were generated for the different Hiraoka teams, facilitating informed decision making. These reports enable marketing, sales and customer service teams to analyze their performance, identify areas for improvement and adjust their strategies to achieve better results.

Dinterweb's implementation of HubSpot has been a key factor in Hiraoka's digital transformation, allowing them to centralize their information, improve communication and optimize their sales and marketing processes.

If you would like to learn more about how Dinterweb can help your company achieve similar results, we invite you to write to us. Our team is ready to advise you and provide you with technological solutions that drive your success.