Casos de éxito | Dinterweb

Case Study: Planet Solar

Written by dinterweb | Jun 20, 2024 2:04:40 PM

Challenges faced by Planet Solar

Planet Solar faced the challenge of not being able to efficiently manage its marketing, sales and service processes. These challenges not only affected its day-to-day operations, but also its ability to make informed strategic decisions. The main challenges were:


How Dinterweb addressed Planet Solar's challenges.

To address Planet Solar's challenges effectively, Dinterweb divided the actions into three key stages: diagnosis, planning and execution. This structuring allowed for an orderly and efficient implementation of the necessary solutions, ensuring that every aspect of the process was addressed with precision and attention to detail.


1. Diagnosis

In the initial phase, it was identified that Planet Solar was managing its information in several tools and Excel sheets, which hindered traceability and efficiency in the management of its efforts and results. In addition, the Excel sheets were so heavy that they were difficult to access. It was noted that there was a need for salespeople to be able to quote directly from HubSpot, which required a customized quote. It was also crucial for all teams to have visibility into the status of each project for better coordination.


2. Planning

During planning, Planet Solar intended to learn how to use HubSpot's marketing tools, create inputs, and attract new customers for the sales team, as well as measure marketing results. Initially, they rejected the implementation of the sales and service modules, but soon realized they needed a comprehensive solution for:



Finally, they opted to contract HubSpot and customized objects within the CRM so that employees could review the status of each project. The total implementation took 12 weeks.


3. Execution

In the execution phase, Dinterweb translated Planet Solar's needs into practical solutions using HubSpot:


Results of a HubSpot implementation with Dinterweb

Real-time visibility into the status of projects

Planet Solar now has a clear, up-to-date view of each ongoing project. This allows them to monitor progress, identify potential delays and take corrective action on time. This transparency enhances both internal and external confidence, as internal teams can closely follow the progress of each project.

Clear accountability at every stage of the project

With precise identification of who is responsible for each stage, team coordination and efficiency have been strengthened. Each member knows exactly what is expected of them and when they should complete their tasks, reducing duplication of effort and minimizing potential miscommunication.


Centralized management of marketing, sales, and service

The complete integration of all functions in HubSpot has simplified strategic decision-making. Now, marketing, sales, and service teams share the same platform, allowing them to collaborate more effectively, align their efforts, and deliver a more cohesive customer experience.


Ability to create and send marketing materials manually or automatically

Thanks to HubSpot's functionality, Planet Solar can create and send marketing materials, such as emails and other content, in an efficient and personalized manner. This allows them to stay in touch with their customers more effectively and promote their services more strategically.


Creating pipelines

Creating custom pipelines in HubSpot have allowed Planet Solar to visualize and manage their projects more effectively. They can now see at a glance what stage each project is at, who is responsible at any given time, and what actions they need to take next, which has improved the planning and execution of their projects.


Elimination of the use of Excel

Before implementing HubSpot, Planet Solar used Excel to manage their projects, which caused performance issues due to file size and lack of integration with other key functions. With HubSpot, they have been able to centralize all their management on a single platform, which has allowed them to improve efficiency and collaboration between teams.